The Perfection of Women in Christ by Abbess Theologia of the Holy Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God at Mikrokastro.
Trim size 25px40p [4.15x6.6in], 66pp. Printed in full color.
In this book, Abbess Theologia succinctly explains the status of women before the incarnation of the Savior and in what way the Lord Jesus Christ has liberated women by way of the Gospel.
FROM THE PROLOGUE: It is plainly obvious that she lost her bearings. Indeed, after twenty long centuries, in her very attempt to gain her rights, the modern woman has again ended up becoming the victim of various exploitations! But this time, it is on account of the ruinous road which she herself has elected to follow. This disorientation is due to the fact that she has lost her navigational compass, who is none other than the God-man Jesus. The teaching of Christ, His work, His passion and resurrection, His Church, His promises for the present and the future age constitute the only secure context for life and the full potential of women in particular. Only when women are re-baptized in the waters of the Gospel will they be able to recognize their noble lineage, and once again recover their identity and fulfill their high calling, which is their rebirth, maturity and perfection in Christ...