The homilies collected here were delivered, and worked over, during the last decade at the Three Hierarchs’ Chapel of St Vladimir’s Seminary. These homilies follow the three main liturgical cycles of the year: the Paschal cycle, the Nativity–Theophany cycle, and the Theotokos cycle. Following these cycles has meant, inevitably, that some feasts (such as Transfiguration and the Elevation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross) are not touched, nor are those Sundays that belong to “ordinary time,” non-festal periods. Nevertheless, these cycles not only map out our year, but also our lives as we learn to grow in conformity to Christ.
About the Author: The Very Rev. Dr John Behr is former Dean of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Professor of Patristics, and Editor of the Popular Patristics Series. He is also the author of The Way to Nicaea, The Nicene Faith, The Mystery of Christ: Life in Death, and Becoming Human, all available from SVS Press.