A snuggly St. George! These larger dolls are approximately 10” tall, made with organic cotton fabric and fluffy stuffing.
St. George was a brave and valiant soldier who worked many miracles, but is most famous for the miracle you see here. On his way to a military campaign, he came across a city which was held captive by a fierce dragon who lived in a nearby lake. When he approached the city, he saw the king’s daughter bravely walking out to be offered as a meal to the serpent. St. George comforted the maiden and then charged toward the serpent in the name of the Trinity and threw his spear through the neck of the beast. The city rejoiced and thousands were baptised as a result of this miracle.
Later in the life of St. George, the corrupt emperor Diocletian began to intensify his persecution of the Christians, so St. George presented himself to the senate, confessing to be a follower of Christ. After many attempts by Diocletian to make him offer sacrifices to idols, St. George willingly bowed his head under the sword of his executioner and received his crown of martyrdom.
We celebrate St. George on April 23rd (New Calendar), May 6 (Old Calendar), or on Bright Monday.